Opalite 14ct Gold Filled Ring


Opalite 14ct Gold Filled Ring

Metaphysical Attributes Of Opalite

Crystal to promote sensual desire

Man made Opalite,
Opalite for sexuality,
Opalite to enhance desire,
Opalite for enhanced spiritual communication,
Healing crystals, Opalite for meditation,
Opalite for lust,

Man-made glass gems with lead content.
Opalite improves spiritual communication.
For all round healing Opalite works very well
with the emotions.

It is an incredibly sensual crystal often
connected with sexuality, desire and lust,
whilst also promoting great joy.

You might be pleasantly surprised to hear
that even though it is man made, Opalite
has been associated with various healing
benefits that are quite similar to the healing
properties of natural crystals and is quite
well known for its high energetic qualities
for meditation


Pink Opal has a sweet and hopeful energy that invites us to love openly and unabashedly. It gives us permission to let go of anything ugly that holds us back from our true potential. Pink Opal gives us courage to stand our ground and ignore any criticism born of ignorance and fear. It helps us to continue to explore our spiritual nature and to be open to whatever brings us beauty and joy. Pink Opal makes it easy to connect with our romantic partner on a very deep and satisfying level. It teaches us that we are lovable, respectable and admirable just by being the beautiful person we were always meant to be.


The information within this store is for guidance only. No medical claims are made for the crystals and the information given is not intended to act as a substitute for medical treatment. If in any doubt about their use, a qualified crystal healing or holistic practitioner should be consulted. In the context of this store, illness is a dis-ease, the final manifestation of spiritual, environmental, psychological, karmic, emotional or mental imbalance or distress. Healing means bringing mind, body and spirit back into balance and facilitating evolution for the soul, it does not imply a cure. In accordance with crystal healing consensus, all stones are referred to as crystals regardless of whether or not they have a crystalline structure.