AAA Pink Amethyst/Genuine Pink Sapphire/14ct Gold Filled Earrings
AAA Pink Amethyst Smooth Crystal Droplet/Genuine 4mm Pink Sapphire 14ct Gold Filled Earrings
Metaphysical Attributes Of Pink Amethyst
Pink Amethyst
Metaphysical Attributes
Of Pink Amethyst
Allows you to attract soul mate
Warm feelings of love, peace, and serenity
Promotion of self-love
Healing grievous injuries
Brings balance and healing to the emotional body
Enhances abilities to trust
Releases unwanted stress and trauma from the heart chakra
Letting something or someone go in order to move forward
Opens & activates the Crown Chakra
Allowing easier access to the divine
Enhances spiritual awareness
Spiritual wisdom, promoting a higher
state of consciousness
Clears and repairs holes in the aura
and draws in Divine energy,
Love and guidance to your soul
Offers protection against negativity
Heightens Intuition
Activates soul purpose.
Metaphysical Attributes Of Sapphire
Sapphire symbolises Honesty, Truth and Fidelity
Sapphire has both physical and spiritual virtues
It helps to treat problems of nervous origins,
rheumatism, gout and joint pain.
Strengthens eyesight, hair, skin and nails. And fights fever.
Connected to love and purity (place southeast)
Known as "The Lovers Stone"
Teaches you to express yourself without fear
Enables you to stand in your truth
Takes away facades
Enhances your connection to your higher self
Supports abundance and money (success in business)
Third eye and throat chakra
Manifestation Stone
Place in the north area of your home to bless your journeys and travels
Excellent stone for rocky relationships, brings harmony and loving frequencies
Balances energy centers and meridians
Lightens mood
Spiritual healing and protection
Use during reiki
Manifestation stone
Used for throat chakra and vocal
The information within this store is for guidance only. No medical claims are made for the crystals and the information given is not intended to act as a substitute for medical treatment. If in any doubt about their use, a qualified crystal healing or holistic practitioner should be consulted. In the context of this store, illness is a dis-ease, the final manifestation of spiritual, environmental, psychological, karmic, emotional or mental imbalance or distress. Healing means bringing mind, body and spirit back into balance and facilitating evolution for the soul, it does not imply a cure. In accordance with crystal healing consensus, all stones are referred to as crystals regardless of whether or not they have a crystalline structure.